Australian Capital Territory Government and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, ACT have a s.576(2)(aa) – (Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) on foot before Deputy President Dean (On-site) in the ACT.
December 2, 2020
A s.604 – (Appeal of decisions) by Rupinderjit Kaur against Hartley Lifecare Incorporated has been refused by Vice President Hatcher, Deputy President Mansini and Commissioner McKinnon in Sydney on 01 December 2020.
December 2, 2020
A s.437 – (Protected action) application sought by the Health Services Union naming the Melbourne City Mission has been granted by Fair Work Deputy President Gostencnik in Melbourne on 30 November 2020.
December 2, 2020
Aruma Services NSW Limited will face a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Commissioner McKenna (By Telephone) in Sydney (Cotterill).
December 1, 2020
An elderly Vietnam veteran who served as a “tunnel rat” has been jailed for bashing his neighbour, a fellow veteran, at their Cairns retirement village. But Judge Dean Morzone has urged 73-year-old Robert Glenn Speakman to finally get help for the ghosts that have haunted him for 50 years and likely contributed to this attack. Speakman was found guilty of grievous bodily harm against Wayne Maxwell Campbell, also 73, after a jury spent almost two days deliberating following a trial in the Cairns District Court. The court heard Mr Campbell suffered 13 fractures to his ribs, was left with bone fragments floating in his chest cavity and would likely have died if not treated following the assault at Warhaven in Manunda in July 2018. Judge Morzone handed Speakman a four-year jail sentence on Friday with a parole release date in July 2022. But he also spoke of Speakman’s distinguished service to his country as part of the 17th Construction Squadron. “You were surely a hero but you returned to your home country broken,” he said. “It’s time you do your darnedest, that you work through matters that have been too painful.”
December 1, 2020
National peak body for spiritual care and ageing, Meaningful Ageing Australia, has appointed Adam McIntosh to the Board of Directors at the recent organisation’s annual general meeting (AGM).
November 30, 2020
A s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) from Alissa Dodd citing Anglican Aged Care Services Group t/as Benetas has been rejected by Commissioner McKinnon in Melbourne on 25 November 2020. (Application for an unfair dismissal remedy – application dismissed for want of prosecution).
November 30, 2020
Sphere Healthcare Pty Ltd has a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) with which it must deal before Fair Work Deputy President Cross by telephone in Sydney (Awu).