Baptistcare has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer today to Deputy President Cross (by telephone) in Sydney (Evans).

A s.394 – (Unfair dismissal) application from Elizabeth Reidy citing the IRT Illawarra Retirement Trust has been rejected by Commissioner Bissett in Melbourne on 11 December 2020. “On 17 November 2020, Ms Elizabeth Reidy made an application to the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) for a remedy for unfair dismissal pursuant to s.394 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act). The application was incomplete in that Ms Reidy did not pay the required fee or file a completed waiver form. On 17 November 2020 the Commission attempted to contact Ms Reidy on her nominated telephone number to discuss payment of the required fee however, Ms Reidy did not answer the call. A voicemail message was left requesting Ms Reidy contact the Commission to arrange payment of the required fee. Later that day, the Commission posted correspondence to Ms Reidy’s nominated postal address advising that her application required payment of the filing fee or a completed waiver form if she wished to proceed with the application. That correspondence also warned that if payment was not made or a waiver form was not received within 14 days, the application may be dismissed. Later that day, Ms Reidy contacted the Commission and requested for the filing fee to be waived. Ms Reidy was advised that a waiver form would be posted to Ms Reidy’s nominated postal address and the completed waiver would need to be received within 14 days. A final attempt to contact Ms Reidy was made by the Commission on 1 December 2020 to obtain payment or a completed waiver form. The call was not answered, and a voicemail message was left advising Ms Reidy that payment of the required fee was still outstanding. To date there has been no response from Ms Reidy, the required fee has not been paid and a completed waiver form has not been received. Having regard to the circumstances of this matter, I am satisfied that as the application was not accompanied by the fee prescribed by the FW Act, the application was not made in accordance with the FW Act. As such, the application is dismissed pursuant to s.587(1)(a) of the FW Act. An Order to this effect will be issued shortly,” said Commissioner Bissett.

An application for approval of the ACT Public Sector Medical Practitioners Enterprise agreement 2017-2021 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be adjudicated by Deputy President Dean (By Video) in the A.C.T.

North Metropolitan Health Service – King Edward Memorial Hospital has a s.773 – (Application to deal with an unlawful termination dispute) to answer before Commissioner Williams (In Chambers) in Perth (Merriman).

A s.185 – (Enterprise agreement) application from Australian Red Cross Society T/A Australian Red Cross Lifeblood for its Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Scientists Enterprise Agreement Victoria 2020 has been affirmed by Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Adelaide on 08 December 2020.

Sunnyhaven Disability Services Ltd and Effective Legal Solutions Pty Ltd have a s.401 (application for costs orders against lawyers and paid agents) set for hearing before Deputy President Cross (by telephone) in Sydney.

A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from South Western Sydney Primary Health Network Ltd for the South Western Sydney Primary Health Network Ltd. Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Fair Work Deputy President Boyce in Sydney on 2 December 2020.

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must deal before Deputy President Saunders at Level 3, 237 Wharf Road, Newcastle (Matson).