The Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories Nola Marino has announced the appointment of Rowena Abbey of Yass as the new chair of Regional Development Australia Southern Inland (RDASI).

The Chief Executive of Health Hawke’s Bay, Wayne Woolrich has resigned. Mr Woolrich joined the region’s Primary Health Organisation in 2016 as Business Services Manager and soon progressed to lead the organisation as the CEO. Health Hawke’s Bay Board Chair Na Raihania said he accepted Mr Woolrich’s resignation this week.

Consumer peak body Dementia Australia has appointed neurologist and dementia researcher Professor Amy Brodtmann as an honorary medical advisor.

LifeFlight Australia Limited and Australian Federation of Air Pilots have a s.739 – (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Deputy President Asbury (In Chambers) in Brisbane.

Empowered Living Support Services/The Sanctuary Tingira Heights is facing a s.739 – (Application to deal with a dispute) in front of Commissioner Johns (By Telephone) in Sydney (Gomez).

Healthe Care Australia Pty Ltd has been served with a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to be heard by Deputy President Gostencnik (By Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Koutsoumbos).

A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from East Sydney Hospital Pty Ltd T/A East Sydney Private Hospital for the East Sydney Private Hospital Nurses’ NSWNMA/ANMF NSW Branch Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Deputy President Cross in Sydney on 22 January 2021.

Wesley Mission Queensland is facing a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner Simpson (In Chambers) in Brisbane (Williams).