A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from Woy Woy Community Aged Care T/A BlueWave Living for the Blue Wave Living Enterprise Agreement 2021-2023 has been ratified by Fair Work Deputy President Millhouse in Melbourne on 3 March 2021.

NSW Health is facing a s.773 (application to deal with an unlawful termination dispute) in front of Deputy President Saunders at Level 3, 237 Wharf Road, Newcastle (Berger).

Uniting Church Homes is set to defend a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Williams in Conference Room 12.34 in Perth (Miletic).

Lifeline Central West Inc is set to answer a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Johns (By Telephone) in Sydney (Holford).

A s.185 — (Enterprise agreement) application from Healthscope Operations Pty Ltd T/A Healthscope for its NATIONAL CAPITAL PRIVATE HOSPITAL – HSU NON CLINICAL AND ALLIED HEALTH EMPLOYEES – ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2020-2022 has been ratified by Fair Work DEPUTY PRESIDENT MASSON in MELBOURNE on 3 MARCH 2021.

Australian Health and Nutrition Association Ltd is facing a brace of s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) claims before Commissioner Riordan (By Telephone) in Sydney. (Buenaflor and Dening).

The Mallee District Aboriginal Service is facing a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner McKinnon (By Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Taylor).

Aruma Services NSW Limited has a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to fall before Commissioner McKenna (By Telephone) in Sydney (Khan).