Uniting Church Homes is set to defend a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Williams in Conference Room 12.34 in Perth (Miletic).

Lifeline Central West Inc is set to answer a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Johns (By Telephone) in Sydney (Holford).

A s.185 — (Enterprise agreement) application from Healthscope Operations Pty Ltd T/A Healthscope for its NATIONAL CAPITAL PRIVATE HOSPITAL – HSU NON CLINICAL AND ALLIED HEALTH EMPLOYEES – ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2020-2022 has been ratified by Fair Work DEPUTY PRESIDENT MASSON in MELBOURNE on 3 MARCH 2021.

Australian Health and Nutrition Association Ltd is facing a brace of s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) claims before Commissioner Riordan (By Telephone) in Sydney. (Buenaflor and Dening).

The Mallee District Aboriginal Service is facing a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner McKinnon (By Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Taylor).

Aruma Services NSW Limited has a s.394 – (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) to fall before Commissioner McKenna (By Telephone) in Sydney (Khan).

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Mecwa hav a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Deputy President Mansini in the Fair Work Commission, 11 Exhibition Street Melbourne.

A s.185 (application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) sought by the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association on behalf of the Neerim District Soldier’s Memorial Hospital Inc. Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Deputy President Mansini in Melbourne on 24 February 2021.