Warramunda Village will announce its new board later this month in one of three major events in the November schedule of the aged-care facility.

The Blind Welfare Association of South Australia Incorporated is facing a s.365 (application to deal with contravention involving dismissal) before Deputy President Mason (video using Microsoft Team) in Melbourne

Dunedin-based company Zestt Wellness has appointed Dr Helen Darling as its independent chairwoman. Zestt was co-founded by Anna Campbell and Darcy Schack during the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020.

An Application by Royal Flying Doctors Service (Queensland Section) Limited T/A Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) Limited & Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.437 – Application for a protected action ballot order) will be reviewed by Commissioner Hunt (Onsite Regional) in Brisbane today

Queensland Health has a s.372 – (Application to deal with contravention disputes) which will be decided by Fair Work Deputy President Dean (by telephone AEDT (ACT time)) In Canberra at 1pm (Bee)

Warringal Private Hospital T/A Ramsay Health Care AUST PL is facing a s.739 – (Application to deal with a dispute) contretemps in front of Deputy President Gostencnik (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Houston)

An application by Victorian Hospital’s Industrial Association (s.248 – Application for single interest employer authorisation) will be determined by Deputy President Wright (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney at 10am.

Dandenong And Districts Aborigines Co-Operative Limited will answer a s.365 (application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) at 2pm today before the Fair Work Commission full bench in conference room E and H in Melbourne