The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation-Victorian Branch and Ballarat Health Services have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) set for hearing by Deputy President Clancy by telephone in Melbourne.

Fairfield City Medical Centre has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) ready for hearing before Deputy President Colman (by telephone) in Melbourne (Litleton-Salmas).

A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from Wheatfields Inc for its Wheatfields Incorporated Nursing Employees (Aged Care) & ANMF Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Deputy President Colman in Melbourne on 19 March 2021.

A s.185 – (Enterprise agreement) application from Mid Murray Homes for the Aged Inc T/A Aminya Village Hostel for the Aminya Village Hostel Aged Care Employees Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Adelaide on 9 April 2021.

Baptcare is facing a s.394- (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Cirkovic (In Chambers) in Melbourne (Tolley).

NSW and ACT aged care and retirement living provider RSL LifeCare today announced its CEO, Laurie Leigh, has resigned and will be leaving the organisation on April 14 after almost three years.

A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from Bethany Christian Care for its Bethany Christian Care – Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2020 has been accepted by Fair Work Deputy President Cross in Sydney on 23 March 2021.

A s.365 – (General protections) order application sought by Michael Wright against the WA Country Health Service has been refused on jurisdictional grounds by Fair Work Commissioner Williams in Perth on 6 April 2021.