A care worker who was sacked over a post on her Facebook calling Muslims ‘fanatical bigots’ has won a case for unfair dismissal, but has been given no payout. Linda Henderson was sacked after bosses at Ashgill Care Home in Glasgow discovered posts of her social media Muslims should ‘go back to [their] own country’. Other posts on her Facebook said there were ‘no decent honest Muslims’ and that the Scottish Government should focus on jobs for ‘our own kind’. She won her case for unfair dismissal at an employment tribunal after the care home refused to consider a letter from her son claiming he posted the comments Her Facebook page named her employer, and she was found to have breached their social media policy. Ms Henderson admitted to writing the post railing against immigration but denied posting the statement about Muslims, claiming it was written by her son. But managers didn’t believe the claims and Ms Henderson was later sacked. She won her case for unfair dismissal at an employment tribunal after the care home refused to consider a letter from her son claiming he posted the comments. Employment judge Robert King said Ms Henderson’s ‘culpable and blameworthy conduct in breaching the respondent’s social media policy was the sole cause of her dismissal’. He added it was ‘just and equitable to reduce her award by 100 per cent’. The tribunal heard that Ms Henderson began working at the care home in November 2015 as an activities co-ordinator. In January 2019, her manager, Rosemary Jalloh, received an anonymous text which contained screenshots from her Facebook page dating back to September 2014. One post stated: ‘Alex Salmond wants MORE IMMIGRANTS? ‘We can’t feed and support our own kind as it is we don’t NEED more immigrants we need jobs with decent wages for our OWN kind.’ The other read: ‘Why are the ‘SO CALLED DECENT MUSLIMS’ allowing their own kind to cause and create terrorism? ‘The answer is there are no DECENT HONEST MUSLIMS. ‘They are all fanatical bigots and it’s time we stood up to them and tell them THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. ‘IF YOU DON’T LIKE OUR LAWS THEN LEAVE. ‘GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY.’ Ms Jalloh saw Ms Henderson had named the care home as her employer on the site and found the posts breached the home’s social media policy. Ms Henderson appealed the decision and offered a letter from her son claiming he had written the post – but bosses refused to consider it as it had been presented too late. Judge King found this was an error and the letter should have been considered.
May 3, 2021
An elderly man has been committed to stand trial in Townsville over allegations he sexually abused two vulnerable aged-care patients. Police arrested the 73-year-old man at his Hinchinbrook home in March 2020 and he was later charged with sexual assault. Details of the allegations against Michael James Eddleston can be revealed for the first time after Magistrate Peter Smid committed the charges to a higher court on Thursday. Mr Smid said he transferred the matter to be heard in the District Court after a “concession” from Eddleston’s solicitor that there was a “prima facie case” against the 73-year-old. He is charged with a string of six offences including three sexual assault charges and three serious assault of a person over 60. Police said Eddleston’s alleged offending spanned a number of years from late December 2017 to February 2020. At the time of his arrest police said Eddleston allegedly forged predatory friendships with two much older men who were living in two different Hinchinbrook aged-care homes. Eddleston was placed on a fresh bail order.
April 30, 2021
Lambert (nee Harahwa) and Japara Healthcare Limited are locked in a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) before Fair Work Deputy President Colman (by telephone) in Melbourne.
April 30, 2021
An application for approval of the Longridge Aged Care Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2021 (s.185 – application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) is before Commissioner Platt in Chambers in Adelaide for his decision.
April 29, 2021
A section 394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) from Afsaneh Moradi Latreiee against KDS Health Centre Group Pty Ltd has been refused by Fair Work Deputy President Anderson in Adelaide on 28 April 2021. “Application for an unfair dismissal remedy – jurisdiction – general practitioner working under visa subclass – high income threshold – earnings unable to be determined in advance – earnings below high income threshold – whether employee or independent contractor – whether dismissed – indices – not an employee – no jurisdiction – application dismissed.”
April 29, 2021
A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from Epworth Foundation T/A Epworth HealthCare for the Epworth Healthcare Nurses and Midwives Enterprise Agreement 2020-2024 has been approved by Fair Work Deputy President Young in Melbourne on 28 April 2021.
April 29, 2021
A s.604 (appeal of decision) sought by Hammam Hijazi against Calvary Health Care ACT Ltd T/A Calvary Public Hospital Bruce has been refused by Vice President Catanzariti, Deputy President Hamilton and Deputy President Young in the Fair Work Commission in Sydney on 9 April 2021.
April 29, 2021
A s.185 (application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) from Corumbene Nursing Home for the Aged Inc for the Corumbene Nursing Home for the Aged Inc. General Agreement 2020 has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Cirkovic in Melbourne on 23 March 2021.