West Australian aged care provider Catholic Homes has appointed former Australian Medical Association federal president Associate Professor Rosanna Capolingua to its board.

Karingal St Laurence Limited has to face a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) today before Commissioner McKinnon (by video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Foot).

An application by People Who Care Inc (s.120 – application to vary redundancy pay for other employment or incapacity to pay) will be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Platt in Chambers in Adelaide.

Miwatj Health Corporation has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) with which it must deal before Commissioner Riordan (by telephone) in Sydney (Veal).

A s.394 (unfair dismissal) application from Inge Sulistyowati against Australian Unity Home Care Services Pty Ltd T/A Australian Unity has been knocked back by Deputy President Easton in Sydney on 11 June 2021. “Unfair dismissal application filed out of time – exceptional circumstances – distress and depression – medical evidence – circumstances not exceptional on the evidence provided – application dismissed.”

Lutheran Church of Australia QLD District has a s.365 (application to deal with contravention involving dismissal) with which it must deal before Commissioner Wilson (by video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne (Bayfield).

Wesley Community Services Limited is facing a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) in front of Commissioner Johns (By Telephone) in Sydney (Maash)

Quad Services Pty Ltd has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer before Deputy President Bull (by telephone) in Sydney (Tilden).