St Vincent’s Health Australia Ltd has a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) to be argued before Fair Work Commissioner Matheson (by telephone) in Sydney (Davidson).

An application for termination of the Oxley Home Care Collective Agreement 2008 (s.225 – application for termination of an enterprise agreement after its nominal expiry date) will fall to Commissioner Matheson (by telephone) for a decision.

MMT Care Pty Ltd has a s.365 (application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) to answer before Commissioner Matheson (by telephone) in Sydney (Ihesiulor).

Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia Incorporated has a raft of s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to defend before Fair Work Deputy President Anderson (in Chambers) in Adelaide (Beniwal, Cranfield, Demura, Hartshorne, Raguz, Sangha, Seharn, Tan, Tang, Watts).

Patricia Sparrow, the chief executive of the peak body for not-for-profit aged care providers, has resigned to take up the top job at Vision 2020. Paul Sadler has been appointed interim CEO of Aged and Community Services Australia, while Ms Sparrow plans to join the national peak body for eye health and vision care in September.

Brotherhood of St Laurence will defend a s.372 (application to deal with other contravention disputes) in front of Deputy President Hamilton (by telephone) in Melbourne (Nazareno).

Anglican Community Services has a s.372 (application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must deal before Commissioner Ryan (by video using Microsoft Teams) in Sydney (Magennis).

The Salvation Army is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Deputy President Saunders in Level 3, 237 Wharf Road in Newcastle (Bouras).