A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from The Benevolent Society for The Benevolent Society Enterprise Agreement 2021 has passed muster with Fair Work Deputy President Saunders in Newcastle on 6 July 2021.

Amana Living Inc is facing a s.372 (application to deal with other contravention disputes) before Commissioner Platt in Chambers in Adelaide (Thorpe).

Calvary Community Care has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) set for hearing before Commissioner Platt in Chambers in Adelaide (Marseilles).

Silver Chain Group has a s.372 (application to deal with other contravention disputes) to debate before Deputy President Binet in Conference Room 12.33 and Conference Room 12.34 in Perth (Renouf).

Uniting is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Deputy President Mansini in Chambers in Melbourne (Baxa).

A s.185 (enterprise agreement) application from Hospira Australia Pty Limited T/A Pfizer Melbourne has been ratified by Fair Work Commissioner Yilmaz in Melbourne on 9 July 2021.

Entire Nation Disability Services & Home Care Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Deputy President Clancy by telephone in Melbourne (Ngong).

The Health Services Union and Eastern Health have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) contretemps to be determined by Fair Work Deputy President Masson (by video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne.