A s.365 (General protections) order sought by Melanie Lugg against the Australian Foundation for Disability has been rejected by Deputy President Colman in Melbourne on 1 October 2021. “Ms Melanie Lugg (applicant) has made an application under s 365 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act) alleging that she was dismissed by the Australian Foundation for Disability (respondent) wholly or partly for a proscribed reason in contravention of the general protections provisions in Part 3-1 of the Act. The application was not accompanied by the fee prescribed by the regulations. The applicant has not responded to correspondence from the Commission alerting her to the deficiency, nor has she rectified the deficiency. I have decided to dismiss the application under s 587 of the Act for the following reasons.”
October 1, 2021
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (145V) and Ballan & District Soldiers Memorial Bush Nursing Hospital & Hostel Inc T/A Ballan District Health and Care have a s.739 (application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Commissioner Cirkovic (video using Microsoft Teams) in Victoria today.
October 1, 2021
SummitCare has announced a chief executive officer, new chair and other board appointments that aim to grow the organisation. SummitCare chief operating officer Michelle Sloane, who joined the organisation in July 2017, has been promoted to chief executive officer, SummitCare published on LinkedIn this week. Ms Sloane has extensive experience in health executive management, particularly in the private hospital sector. She also holds qualifications in general and obstetric nursing and a Master of Business Administration. She has also been appointed director of Summit Healthcare along with SummitCare chief financial officer Glenn Scott Mr Scott, who also joined the organisation in 2017, has over 10 years of experience in senior management positions in industries including healthcare, transportation and logistics and retail. Current director of SummitCare Peter Wohl will continue as the chairman of the group from 1 October. Mr Wohl said SummitCare looked forward to an exciting future ahead as leaders in the aged care industry.
October 1, 2021
Australian and New Zealand aged care software vendor Health Metrics has announced entrepreneur Mike Giuffrida will replace Steven Strange as CEO.
October 1, 2021
United Protestant Association of NSW must face a s.526 (application to deal with a dispute involving stand down) before Commissioner Johns Australian Eastern Standard Time (NSW Time) in Sydney (Lee).
September 30, 2021
Concentric Healthcare Services has announced the appointment of Nick Beckett as their new Managing Director.
September 30, 2021
St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Limited has a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) to answer before Deputy President Easton Australian Eastern Standard Time (NSW Time) in Sydney (Sikic).
September 30, 2021
Hycare Medical Services Pty Ltd (Hycare) is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) in front of Commissioner Hampton (in Chambers) in Adelaide (Dinh).