An application for approval of the Advantaged Care at Barden Lodge Non Clinical Staff Enterprise Agreement 2016-2018 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be decided by Fair Work Commissioner Johns.

Aged care and retirement living provider Bethanie has appointed Samantha Drury as its chief financial officer.

Catholic Health Australia has appointed Tony Howarth as the chair of its board.

Health Services Union is in a firefight with Rural Northwest Health (s.739 – Application to deal with a dispute).

The Cootharinga Society of North Queensland is fighting an unfair dismissal claim (Mancuso).

An application/notification by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.158(1) RO Act – Application for alteration of eligibility rules) has been filed in Brisbane.

Fiona Stanley Hospital has started offering redundancy to senior nurses as part of a cost-cutting drive.

The Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union-New South Wales and ACT (Services) Branch & National Disability Services has filed a s.576(2)(aa) (Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes) application.