The Health Services Union and Alfred health are involved in a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute).

The Fair Work Commission has rubber stamped the Cameron Close Retirement Village and Registered Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2016-2019.

The Fair Work Commission has finally approved the Council on the Ageing (Victoria) Agreement 2016.

Legionella bacteria has been found in a regional southwest Queensland hospital. Routine testing carried out at Cunnamulla Hospital turned up positive results at the end of last month, prompting the South West Hospital and Health Service to hyper-chlorinate its water system and replace two showerheads and three taps.

The Fair Work Commission has ratified the Asaleo Care Australia Pty Ltd Larapinta Enterprise Agreement 2016.

An application by Regis Aged Care Pty Ltd (s.318 – Application for an order relating to instruments covering new employer and transferring employees) will be determined by Fair Work Commissioner Booth.

Calvary Hospital is now dealing with an outbreak of norovirus. An isolation ward has been set up and visitors are being discouraged as the hospital works to contain the gastro outbreak.

Anglican Care is facing a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) lodged by a staff member (Charles).