Retirees in aged care villages are reportedly “living in fear” after becoming the focus of teen crime. Wagga police officers have held a meeting at The Haven retirement village to reassure scared residents. Ten key arrests in the last three weeks have slowed the property crime scourge, but more than three homes, on average, are still being robbed a day.
February 20, 2017
A former Cairns Hospital nurse, who claims her bosses made life hellish whilst working has spoken out about a culture of bullying within the troubled ward. Michele Doran was at the hospital for five years until she quit in 2015 over claims she was bullied at work.
February 20, 2017
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Anglicare SA Limited T/A AnglicareSA are in a dispute over the number of enrolled nurses employed by Anglicare SA at its aged care site who are required to administer medicines. AnglicareSA became aware that a number of its enrolled nurses who were not entitled to administer medicines by virtue of their experience or previous training, had not completed the required medication administration courses that would have permitted them to administer medicines. AnglicareSA required the enrolled nurses who had not completed these courses, to undertake the training in their own time and at their own cost. AnglicareSA contended that they were unable to direct the employees to perform work until the training had been completed. Some of the nurses took annual leave to attend the training, others took unpaid leave. The ANMF contend that AnglicareSA was not entitled to ‘stand down’ the nurses and that the nurses are entitled to be repaid the cost of the training, and payment at ordinary time rates for the period of their attendance at the training, or for those who took annual leave, the leave records to be adjusted on the basis that they worked. The Fair Work Commission has ruled that “AnglicareSA is responsible for the provision of such training and the time spent completing the same is to be regarded as time worked and paid at ordinary time rates and the AnglicareSA nurses who complete such training must be paid or have their annual leave records adjusted accordingly.”
February 20, 2017
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane Limited is facing a brace of s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) claims before Commissioner Simpson in his Brisbane chambers at 1pm (Renouf and Upkett).
February 20, 2017
Australian Retirement Holdings has been served with a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) by a priest.
February 20, 2017
PresCare is to defend a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) launched in Sydney by ex-staffer Alderslade.
February 20, 2017
Compass Group (Australia) Pty Ltd has been ordered by the NSW Workers Compensation Commission to pay for a Nevro spinal cord stimulation trial for an injured employer (Deborah Joy Butler).
February 20, 2017
Anglicare Victoria has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) listed for hearing before Deputy President Hamilton in Court 3 & Conference Room B – Level 6 in Melbourne at 10.15am (Humphreys).