The Health Services Union and Northern Health are debating a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute in relation to flexible working arrangements) before Commissioner Cribb in the Fair Work Commission 11 Exhibition Street Melbourne today.
February 14, 2017
WA’s nursing union is demanding new laws to limit how many patients each public hospital nurse has to manage. The Australian Nursing Federation is calling for strict nurse-to-patient ratios as part of a campaign costing at least $1 million in the lead-up to the State election. It wants one nurse for every four patients on a general ward, not the six to eight patients it claims nurses are routinely being forced to manage, including those “off the books” in corridors.
February 14, 2017
As many as 25 construction workers have been potentially exposed to asbestos at the Royal Hobart Hospital redevelopment site in the CBD. Project director Ben Moloney said the workers were carrying out re-wiring and other electrical work in E Block on the Campbell Street side. It appeared the exposure may have been caused by an administrative error.
February 14, 2017
A nurse has been acquitted of professional misconduct after an elderly man with Alzheimer’s walked out of a nursing home while in her care.
February 14, 2017
A Brisbane man accused of posing as a qualified paramedic is facing jail after he allegedly gave almost 140 people flu injections at a central Queensland coal port.
February 14, 2017
Quad Services Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Commissioner McKenna in the Fair Work Commission Terrace Tower 80 William Street East Sydney at 2pm (Cohen).
February 13, 2017
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Grow for its Grow Enterprise Agreement 2016 has been approved by Commissioner Saunders in Sydney today.
February 13, 2017
Prominent Ballarat businesses will be outed for underpaying workers and bullying behaviour at a Senate Inquiry into worker exploitation due to sit in Ballarat in mid-March. One business to be named at the inquiry next month has been taken to Federal Court by several staff for underpayment only to reach a confidential agreement each time, Ballarat Trades Hall secretary Brett Edgington said. According to Mr Edgington, one of the worst offenders is a Ballarat business which employs between 60 and 90 staff across several venues, and pays more than half its employees “off the book”. One private residential aged care facility reported to Trades Hall pays staff a flat overnight rate of $100 for shifts as long as 12 hours, often overseeing high risk patients.