Wongaburra Society has got its application for its Wongaburra Support and Administration Staff Enterprise Agreement 2016 approved by Fair Work Deputy President Gostencnik.
February 22, 2017
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency T/A National Disability Insurance Agency for its National Disability Insurance Agency Enterprise Agreement 2016-2019 has been approved by Deputy President Kovacic in Canberra on the 21 February 2017.
February 22, 2017
A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Foundation Housing Ltd for its Foundation Housing Enterprise Agreement 2016 has found favour with Deputy President Gostencnik in Melbourne on the 21 February 2017.
February 21, 2017
Michael Renton sought a reinstatement order from the Fair Work Commission. Instead all he got was $2,014.89 plus superannuation from the Bendigo Health Care Group. Mr Renton’s application was sunk by his contemptuous attitude toward management, his Facebook posts, his boorish practical jokes and his post termination conduct.
February 21, 2017
An application/Notification by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (s.158(1) RO Act – Application for alteration of eligibility rules) will be heard by Deputy President Lawrence in Hearing Room 5, Second Floor in Hobart at 10am.
February 21, 2017
James Borg has been refused an extension of time to pursue his general protections application at the Fair Work Commission against Summit Health Care Pty Ltd T/A SummitCare (Australia).
February 21, 2017
Churches of Christ Community Care in NSW is defending a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Johns in Hearing Room 11-1 – Level 11 in Sydney at noon (Gordon).
February 21, 2017
“I’ll never forget that day…and I will never forgive.” On May 6, 2015, Heather Brown received a call from her husband’s aged care facility, asking her to travel from her home in Woodgate to Bundaberg to help clean him. “He was left on the veranda covered in his own faeces, for residents and visitors to see.” Ms Brown’s husband Bill, 77, has dementia and lives in the high needs unit at TriCare in Bundaberg. The facility says client care is foremost in its goals but says it can’t talk about individual incidents. That day in 2015 Mrs Brown was called in to help due to a lack of staff. She said the problem has not gone away and is lobbying for change. Last month she discovered blood on Mr Brown’s sheets. She said he had been wearing a urine-soaked pad for 12 hours which had caused the skin on his scrotum to tear and bleed. In another incident, she discovered her husband had fallen and appeared to be having a mini stroke, but no staff came immediately to her aid, as “one was busy feeding another resident”. Mrs Brown stressed that the staff were doing their best – but there were simply not enough of them. “It is a staffing issue,” Mrs Brown said. “The staff there are wonderful and they work very hard – but they are overstretched.”