The Health Services Union and St John of God Health Care have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) listed for hearing by Commissioner Wilson in Court 4 – Level 6 in Melbourne.

Department of Health officials have defended the outsourcing of major pieces of research and analysis that will flesh out the government’s current review of reforms and shape its future plans for the sector. Under questioning from Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Aged Care Labor’s Helen Polley at a Senate estimates hearing, health bureaucrats said the external consultants were commissioned to provide “expertise” not currently within the department and a fresh perspective on long-standing issues.

St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney Ltd is defending a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) lodged by ex-staffer Grygiel.

A seniors housing operator will pay $30,660 to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit.

An application for approval of the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Enterprise Agreement 2016-2019 (s.185 – Application for approval of a single-enterprise agreement) will be determined by Commissioner Lee in his Melbourne chambers.

The agency set up to improve online government services never worked on Centrelink’s automated debt recovery system, according to the digital office’s former chief executive. Paul Shetler, who resigned from the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) in November, said the first his office heard of the debt recovery program was through media reporting.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Alliance Care Management as the Trustee for the Abbey Gardens Unit Trust T/A The Trustee for the Abbey Gardens Unit Trust for its Alliance Care Management Pty Ltd as the Trustee for the Abbey Gardens Unit Trust Health and Allied Services Enterprise Agreement 2016 has been approved by Commissioner Lee in Melbourne.

The Federal Opposition will ask for clarification about a bill that would allow the Government to release the personal information of veterans, should it wish to correct public statements.