Three health staff have been suspended amidst an independent review into the treatment of an aged care patient at a mental health facility run by the South Australian Government.

A s.158(1) RO Act (Application for alteration of eligibility rules) by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation has been waved through by Deputy President Lawrence despite objections from the Australian Services Union Community and Public Sector Union, Health Services Union and the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation.

The Intermedia Group Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) from its Star Aged Care advertising saleswoman (Rowsthorne) at 3pm.

A s.185 (Enterprise agreement) application by Healthe Care (NSW Private Hospitals) for its Healthe Care (NSW Private Hospitals) Health Professionals and Support Services Enterprise Agreement 2016 has been approved.

Health Services Union and Healthscope Ltd are in an argy-bargy over a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) also before Commissioner Cirkovic in Hobart.

An application by Healthscope Operations Limited (s.217 – Application to vary an agreement to remove an ambiguity or uncertainty) will be heard by Commissioner Cirkovic in Hearing Room 8, First Floor in Hobart at 11am.

A s.318 (Application for an order relating to instruments covering new employer and transferring employees) by Healthe Care Australia Pty Ltd has been granted by Commissioner Gregory in Melbourne on the 27 February 2017.

WA’s nursing union claims the next State government could have an extra $2.3 million a year to spend on more nurses if it scrapped annual performance appraisals. The Australian Nursing Federation said time and money were being wasted on the “chitchats”, which it estimated took up to about three hours for each of the 15,470 public registered nurses. WA State secretary Mark Olson said most big companies had dumped annual appraisals and there were other processes that did the job.