TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – minimum employment period – casual – ss.383, 384, 394 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for an unfair dismissal remedy – applicant employed as a casual personal care assistant – respondent raised jurisdictional objection that applicant had not met the minimum employment period as she was a casual and not employed to work on a regular and systematic basis – Commission adopted the approach in Ponce that there must be sufficient evidence to establish a continuing relationship between the employer and the employee – employment must be on a regular and systematic basis which does not mean the hours or days of work must be regular and systematic – respondent submitted a table of shifts worked by the applicant – submitted the applicant had no regular shifts and the total hours worked each week significantly varied throughout the period of employment – applicant submitted she was regularly offered and accepted work – evidence provided by applicant led Commission to conclude the roster was more a statement of intention of what would occur rather than a fixed commitment by the employer to provide work – Commission concluded whilst applicant may have been offered work regularly, there was no real system to her employment and she did not expect to be offered work each week – found applicant was not employed on a regular and systematic basis – found applicant had not completed minimum employment period – jurisdictional objection upheld – application for unfair dismissal remedy dismissed. Tsakiridou v The Community of Cypriots of The Northern Suburbs of Melbourne Inc t/a Grace of Mary
May 19, 2017
Anglicare North Queensland Limited is to defend a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Simpson in his Brisbane chambers at 11am (McEwan).
May 19, 2017
Doctors are reluctant to raise concerns about problems in the public health system, their South Australian union has warned. “The current environment in SA Health is just shutting that down, to the point where clinicians really don’t get any support in raising problems when they recognise them,” Dr David Pope of the Salaried Medical Officers Association said. He urged health managers to be made more accountable.
May 19, 2017
UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Incorporated will fight a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) lodged by Csepregi.
May 19, 2017
The sister of a woman whose death was partly caused by inadequate care in the Royal Hobart Hospital’s emergency department fears others could suffer because of short-staffing in hospitals. Anne Woulleman-Jarvis, 62, died in July 2015 from a head injury, six days after she fell and struck her head. Her death came less than 24 hours after she was discharged from the emergency department (ED) where she had complained of headaches and nausea after the fall. Tasmanian coroner Rod Chandler yesterday found Mrs Woulleman-Jarvis’ death was partly caused by inadequate care in the ED due to short-staffing.
May 19, 2017
Centacare Community Services is facing a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Deputy President Clancy in his Melbourne chambers (Kim).
May 19, 2017
Bidgerdii Community Health Service has been served with a s.394 (Application for unfair dismissal remedy) by ex-staff member Vandenbrink in Newcastle.
May 19, 2017
A powerful parliamentary committee investigating the chemotherapy dosing scandal at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital will deliver a damning report, saying it cannot discount the possibility there was a cover-up.