The Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Townsville is locked in a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) lodged by a staff member (Muhling).

A s.159 (Alteration of other rules of organisation) by the Health Services Union has been approved by Ailsa Carruthers in Melbourne on 3 July 2017.

An application by Health Services Union (s.229 – Application for a bargaining order) before Deputy President Hamilton in court 3 & conference room B – level 6 in Melbourne.

Timaru Hospital is in lockdown after concerns about patient safety. A South Canterbury District Health Board (SCDHB) spokeswoman said advice from police regarding patient safety was behind the decision to place the hospital into lockdown. It is unclear exactly what sparked the lockdown. The spokeswoman said lockdown meant all external doors to the hospital were locked.

Almost three-quarters of South Australians have rejected the State Government’s wall of secrecy on the Oakden aged-care home and want the anti-corruption watchdog to hold an open inquiry into the abuse of its elderly residents. As MPs prepare to return to Parliament and another vote on the issue looms, a poll of 885 voters has found 73 per cent are in favour of public hearings into the case.

Shocked doctors raised the alarm about a Canberra nursing home after an elderly resident battling dementia arrived for emergency treatment with maggot-infested wounds. When the man’s distressed family confronted the nursing home, the then-manager reasoned that maggots “were good for wounds” because they “cleaned them out”. Peter Tunnecliffe, 77, was a resident at the Southern Cross Care facility in Garran when he was sent to Canberra Hospital last December for the treatment of cancer lesions on his face and scalp. Senior hospital staff were so disturbed by the discovery of maggots in the lesions, they took it upon themselves to lay a complaint with the federal government’s aged care watchdog.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and Healthscope Pty Ltd have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) before Commissioner Lee in hearing room 8, first floor in Hobart at 2pm.

MSS Strategic Medical & Rescue Pty Ltd has a s.372 (Application to deal with other contravention disputes) with which it must contend (Hall).