An army of care providers is set to defend an array of alleged labour infractions in the Fair Work Commission today. The entities involved are; St john Ambulance Western Australia Ltd, Mount Isa Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Limited, Coonamble Aboriginal Health Services Ltd, Australian Health Professionals, Healthscope Operations Pty Ltd At Nepean Private Hospital, St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, Relationships Australia Queensland, Palm Beach Neighbourhood Centre Inc., Trustee of the Society of Christ, Warrina Homes Inc., Gomed (Vic) Pty Ltd, Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, Riverview Residence Collie Inc., Northern Health, Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation, North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency Ltd, Mater, Health Services Union (051V), Jewish Care Victoria Inc., Uniting (NSW.ACT), Respect Group Limited Tasmania, Scope, Ambulance Victoria And Ability Action Australia Pty Ltd.

The Department of Health Victoria is facing a s.65B (Application for a dispute about requests for flexible work arrangements to be heard by Fair Work) Commissioner Harper-Greenwell in Court 4 – Level 6, Conference Room C – Level 6 in Melbourne (Carchedi)

Uniting Country SA will contest a s.65B (application for a dispute about requests for flexible work arrangements) as respondent in front of Commissioner Thornton in chambers in Adelaide (Guazelli)

Unidex Consulting Pty Ltd Trading AS Unidex Healthcare will duke a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) with Fair Work Deputy President Butler in conference room A. conference room B in Brisbane (Ashfield)

Ablecare Pty Ltd is facing a s.394 (application for unfair dismissal remedy) before Fair Work Commissioner Durham (video using Microsoft Teams) in Brisbane (McCrackan)

Churches Of Christ In Queensland will face a s.65B (application for a dispute about requests for flexible work arrangements) before Fair Work Vice President Asbury (video using Microsoft Teams) in Brisbane (Martin)

Ms Bree Lee & Life Without Barriers will argue a s.365 (Application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal) in front of Fair Work Deputy President Butler, in Chambers in Brisbane (Tiaiti)

The Health Services Union and Mosaic Support Services (Tas) Inc T/A Mosaic Support Services have a s.739 (Application to deal with a dispute) on foot before Fair Work Commissioner Lee (Video using Microsoft Teams) in Melbourne at 2pm