More staff are being employed at an embattled South Australian nursing home for elderly people with dementia after it failed 15 of 44 standards. The move comes in response to the Federal Government’s audit earlier this month after concerns were raised about medication management at the Makk and McLeay Nursing Home, which is run by the State Government, in Adelaide’s north-east. The nursing home has been under scrutiny after the family of a former patient complained about his medication and unexplained bruises — thought to have been caused by the use of restraints. South Australian Minister for Mental Health Leesa Vlahos told Parliament yesterday the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network was taking “immediate steps” to ensure quality of care at the Oakden facility. She said the service was employing extra staff to provide clinical guidance. A nurse adviser, three after-hours registered nurses, a senior clinical pharmacist, a part-time clinical pharmacist, a social worker and occupational therapist had begun work.

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