MODERN AWARDS – 4 yearly review – plain language – s.156 Fair Work Act 2009 – Full Bench – decision dealt with review of Pharmacy Industry Award 2010 (Pharmacy Award) arising out of the plain language re-drafting process – Commission observed three outstanding issues arising from amended plain language exposure draft of the Pharmacy Award; coverage of on-hire employees as expressed in clause 4.3 of January exposure draft; drafting of overtime provision in clause 20 of January exposure draft; definition of ‘dispensary assistant’ in Pharmacy Award – agreement reached on overtime provision and draft definition issues – in relation to dispute whether clause 4.3 meant a pharmacy that utilises on-hire workers would be brought under award coverage – Commission’s provisional view was the clause should not be construed to have that effect – Commission invited further written submissions concerning whether clause 4.3(a) of the January exposure draft should be adopted having regard to this provisional view – written submissions must be lodged by Friday 7 July 2017. 4 yearly review of modern awards – Plain language project – Pharmacy Industry Award 2010

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