Labor and the unions are broadening the political fight against Malcolm Turnbull over penalty rates by claiming nurses are at risk of future pay cuts. Employment Minister Michaelia Cash yesterday blasted the claim as a “Labor lie” aimed at furthering Bill Shorten’s political agenda to instil “fear into the Australian community”. Senator Cash has pointed to the Fair Work Commission’s ­assurance that its decision to reduce Sunday loadings for hospitality and retail workers provided “no warrant for the variation of penalty rates in other modern awards”. “Bill Shorten will stand condemned for his lies, hypocrisy and for preying on the fears of working Australians,” she said. Armed with legal advice from Maurice Blackburn, ACTU president Ged Kearney yesterday went on the attack over the FWC decision by warning that “nurses, teachers, cleaners, community, social, disability and construction workers” were all at risk from ­future penalty rate cuts.

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