GENERAL PROTECTIONS – extension of time – ss.365, 366, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – permission to appeal – Full Bench – Commission at first instance refused application for extension of time – application filed 214 days after 21 day time period – no exceptional circumstances existed – appellant provided medical certificates showing was unfit for work – certificates provided no information as to how conditions prevented him from making application – did not adequately explain reasons for delay – not satisfied circumstances exceptional – appealed on the ground of significant errors of fact – grant of permission to appeal requires Commission to be satisfied it is ‘in public interest’ – test of ‘exceptional circumstances’ high hurdle to establish – application filed out of time by significant amount – did not demonstrate exceptional circumstances of delay by medical incapacity – appellant did not identify appealable error – Full Bench not satisfied grant of permission would be in public interest – permission to appeal refused. Appeal by Clarke against decision of Platt C of 2 June 2017 [[2017] FWC 3031] Re: The Information Management Group P/L

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