GENERAL PROTECTIONS – costs – ss.365, 375B, 611 Fair Work Act 2009 – application to deal with contraventions involving dismissal – application for indemnity costs – applicant had previously raised numerous allegations of bullying, harassment, discrimination and unfair treatment during her employment – Commission advised General Protections claim had no reasonable prospects of success – s.368 Certificate issued – multiple proceedings – anti-bullying application settled – comprehensive settlement of all known and unknown claims – subsequent General Protections claim lodged – costs sought pursuant to ss.375B and 611 of FW Act – unreasonable act incurring costs – Commission held application frivolous, vexatious and instituted without reasonable cause – application had no reasonable prospects of success – abuse of process – inappropriate behaviour and unacceptable conduct of applicant – principles in respect to costs orders considered [Qantas Airways], [Hamilton James and Bruce] – indemnity costs ordered in rare and unusual circumstances – Commission satisfied costs order should be made against applicant – found indemnity costs appropriate for respondent – respondent directed to file assessment of costs in respect of application – further orders to be made to conclude this application based on Commission’s Schedule of Costs. Fadheel v Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology P/L

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