ENTERPRISE AGREEMENTS – termination of agreement – s.225 Fair Work Act 2009 – Full Bench – application for termination of agreement after nominal expiry date – applicant sought further extension of time to file evidence, together with direction that parties’ experts confer prior to hearing – Coles, SDA and AWU resisted potential delay – extension of time not granted – no proper explanation for non-compliance with directions, extension had already been granted and application had been repeatedly delayed largely due to applicant’s interlocutory applications – practicable to vary directions and hearing dates to allow hearing to finish in 2017 – applicant granted liberty to apply for direction that experts confer once Coles’ expert evidence filed – Coles sought confidentiality orders – appropriate to make such orders in relation to some documents, and material or submissions referring to them – unnecessary to grant Coles’ request that anyone who is not a party apply for leave when seeking access – access to files will ordinarily be granted to public in interests of open justice – amended directions issued. Coles Supermarkets Australia P/L and Bi-Lo P/L Retail Agreement 2011

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