CASE PROCEDURES – stay order – s.400, 604, 606 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for stay order – at first instance Commission ordered reinstatement of employee to position occupied immediately prior to dismissal by appellant – before stay order is granted, Commission required to be satisfied that arguable case exists with some reasonable prospects of success in respect of both question of leave to appeal and substantive merits of appeal and that balance of convenience favours granting of stay – Edghill considered – consideration of whether appeal was arguable with reasonable prospects of success must take into account its prospects of obtaining permission to appeal under s.400(1) of FW Act – appellant submitted that Commission erred by failing to find that kissing patient was serious misconduct and that reinstatement was inappropriate – submitted that issues were in public interest – satisfied arguable case existed and reasonable prospect for permission to appeal to be granted – satisfied stay order appropriate on balance of convenience – ordered operation of part of decision [[2016] FWC 6780] and order [PR585427] be stayed pending decision of appeal or further order of Commission. Appeal by Bendigo Health Care Group against decision of Ryan C of 14 September 2016 [[2016] FWC 6780] Re: Logan

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