CASE PROCEDURES – appeals – deed of settlement – ss.394, 400, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – permission to appeal – Full Bench – applicant accepted settlement negotiated with assistance from Commission during substantive hearing – parties agreed on full and final payment from respondent and respondent would continue to tender evidence – also agreed Commission would make findings based on that evidence – Commission’s findings were that the applicant’s alleged misconduct was not sexual misconduct and that dismissal was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable – applicant repudiated settlement on basis he accepted it under extreme pressure and findings were inconsistent with facts – Full Bench satisfied parties ended dispute contractually – findings were in the way of a private arbitration – no contemplation findings would change any aspect of agreement between parties – basis of appeal did not attract public interest – no arguable case of appealable error presented – permission to appeal refused. Appeal by Felkin against finding of Drake SDP of 31 October 2016 Re: Pathfinders Ltd

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