ANTI-BULLYING – worker – likely to continue – s.789FC Fair Work Act 2009 – application for order to stop bullying – applicant was Chairperson of Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Inc (APY Inc) Executive Board – application named APY Inc and two persons, Mr King, General Manager and Mr Singer, Deputy Chairperson of Executive Board at time of application – various allegations made about their conduct – Mr Singer and Mr King strongly rejected allegations and made counter claims about applicant’s conduct as Chairperson – jurisdictional objections raised – whether applicant was a worker and eligible to apply – whether alleged conduct occurred whilst at work – whether application an abuse of process – whether loss of position in subsequent election means no relevant future risk – applicant potentially a worker as chairperson and if so, alleged conduct occurred whilst at work – original application not an abuse of process – applicant no longer a worker as a volunteer or otherwise – no relevant future risk given terms of legislation – to proceed with application would become an abuse of process – application dismissed. Mr Admason

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