ANTI-BULLYING – likely to continue – s.789FC Fair Work Act 2009 – application for an order to stop bullying – during preliminary conference applicant informed the Commission that she has not been at work since before Christmas 2015, and could not return to work at the respondent in the future, in light of the way she says she has been treated in the past – agreed position of parties that the applicant did not wish to, and would not, return to work at the respondent – respondent submitted that applicant ‘does not intend to return to the workplace’ therefore respondent ‘of the opinion that our employer/employee relationship has ended’ – further submitted that because the applicant was no longer employed the Commission should exercise its discretion under s.587(1)(c) of FW Act to dismiss the application – in light of the agreed position of the parties the Commission found there was no risk the applicant would continue to be bullied at work by any person, or group of persons – application dismissed. Saville v Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre and Ors

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