An elderly patient was stabbed in the face and three nurses wounded after a woman stole a pair of scissors and lashed out at staff inside a Sydney hospital. NSW Police said a 29-year-old woman was being treated at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown about 8:30pm when she became “agitated” and began hitting the wall of her room. Police said the woman grabbed scissors from a nurse’s pocket and stabbed her twice in the back. Two nurses who attempted to intervened sustained cuts to their arms. The 29-year-old then went into a neighbouring room, where she allegedly stabbed a 75-year-old woman, a patient of the hospital, in the face. Hospital security, doctors and nurses managed to restrain and sedate the woman before police arrived. It is the second attack at RPA in four months, after a woman allegedly stabbed another patient with a kitchen knife in January. The general secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, Brett Holmes, called for a “full investigation” into the violent incident. “This is a terrible situation… no nurse begins their shift anticipating to suffer injuries on the job,” he said.

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