Among any accolades or commendations that come Peter Maher’s way as he retires as Vinnies’ chief in Queensland none are likely to be more precious than a few words from one of his daughters. Looking back over more than 14 years in the chief executive officer’s chair, a comment from Peter’s daughter Belinda was up there among his most cherished memories. “One of the things (I remember) – and I think the highlight of my career, particularly with Vinnies – was when one of my daughters said to me, ‘Dad, I’m so proud of you …’,” he said. “That means more than anything else to a parent. So, that, to me, is what the society’s been about for me. “If that’s the message I’m giving my kids, that’s what’s important. “It’s not how much money I make or what I own or anything else like that. “That’s not what’s important. What’s the example I’ve set for my kids (is important).” Heading into retirement at the end of this month the 61-year-old’s looking forward to spending more time with those kids – Belinda and Juliette – and four grandchildren, with his wife Derrelle.

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