A nurse has been struck in the face with a spanner in Aurukun, as violence against health workers threatens to spiral out of control in the Cape York community. Aurukun Shire Council has called an emergency town meeting on Wednesday with the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service, after the alleged violent assault against a female nurse from the Aurukun Primary Health Care Centre occurred on Tuesday about 12pm. Police have arrested a 17-year-old boy and charged him with assault occasioning bodily harm, after he allegedly threw a spanner through the window of a vehicle the nurse was driving. The spanner smashed the window, before hitting the woman in the face. It is understood the nurse suffered facial injuries, including losing some teeth. The boy is expected to appear in the Children’s Court at a later date. TCHHS nursing and midwifery executive director Kim Veiwasenavanua said the nurse had been transferred out of Aurukun. “The nurse is a regular relieving nurse at Aurukun and is no stranger to the community,” she said.

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