A drink driving nurse lied to police and said she returned from a bar to find her car had been reversed into. Jade Maree Sheridan, 41, was more than three times the limit when she crashed her car into a garden bed. Police prosecutor Stu Lydford told Caloundra Magistrates Court police were called after Sheridan crashed in Caloundra on September 19. “They could smell alcohol on her breath,” Sergeant Lydford said. “Initially she denied driving. “When questioned, she stated she went to the Drift Bar and upon return discovered her vehicle had been reversed into.” Sgt Lydford said the damage done to Sheridan’s car was not consistent with her version of the story. The court heard she refused to provide a specimen of breath and was taken to Caloundra police station. At the station, she returned a reading of 0.18. Sheridan pleaded guilty in Caloundra Magistrates Court on Tuesday to two charges including driving under the influence and failing to provide a specimen of breath. Sheridan’s lawyer Joshua Boorman told the court Sheridan’s grandmother had passed away that day. “She was extremely close to her grandma and did not take the news well,” he said. “Being extremely emotional, she decided to meet with a friend that evening for a talk.” Mr Boorman said Sheridan ended up drinking multiple alcoholic beverages. “She foolishly made a very poor decision in deciding to get into the vehicle,” he said. Mr Boorman said her level of intoxication and heightened emotional state were the reasons for her lack of co-operation with police. “It’s been extremely taxing and emotional for her, it’s something she deeply regrets,” he said. The court heard Sheridan was an aged care nurse and a mother-of-four. Magistrate Stephanie Tonkin said the behaviour was out of character for Sheridan. “You’re obviously humiliated and devastated by your choices on that occasion,” she said. Ms Tonkin fined Sheridan $1500 and disqualified her from driving for six months. Convictions were recorded.

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