TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – casual – minimum employment period – ss.22, 384, 394 Fair Work Act 2009 – applicant employed from 16 June 2014 to 10 March 2016 – respondent raised jurisdictional objection that applicant was a casual employee not employed on regular and systematic basis – minimum employment period six months as respondent not a small business – required to determine whether applicant employed on regular and systematic basis and had reasonable expectation of continuing employment on regular and systematic basis – applicant acknowledged casual status and on casual list – asserted regular engagement and reasonable expectation of continuing employment – respondent submitted applicant engaged on ad hoc basis and worked at different locations on sporadic range of days – Ponce and Yaraka Holding P/L considered – Commission satisfied applicant’s engagement was regular and systematic, despite hours and location of engagement – found applicant served requisite minimum employment period and continuous service extended to point of dismissal – jurisdictional objection dismissed – matter referred for further programming. Sukerti v The Salvation Army Western Australia Property Trust t/a Salvos Stores

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