GENERAL PROTECTIONS – jurisdiction – national system employer – ss.338, 365 Fair Work Act 2009 – application to deal with contravention involving dismissal – jurisdictional objection lodged contending that respondent was not a constitutional corporation and Commission lacked jurisdiction to deal with application – Commission to determine whether respondent a trading or financial corporation per s.12 of the FW Act – applicant submitted they were employed by respondent not a subsidiary of respondent, Aspen Healthcare Solutions (AHS) – respondent submitted AHS incorporated in United Kingdom and applicant’s employment contract stated he was employed by AHS – respondent further submitted that email correspondence sent to applicant and deployment pack referred to AHS – Commission found applicant employed by AHS – AHS not a constitutional corporation for the purposes of the FW Act – not a national system employer – application dismissed. Endres v Aspen Medical P/L t/a Aspen Medical

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