Calvary Hospital has launched an internal investigation into the suicide of an emergency department nurse who was allegedly bullied at work during the space of a year. Andrew Earl, who had been a nurse since 2009, was found dead in his Canberra home in late June 2017. Those closest to him have said that before his death, Andrew faced relentless psychological bullying while in the workplace. Calvary Hospital refused to comment on the alleged bullying when contacted. The ACT Health Services Commissioner is investigating Andrew’s death following a formal complaint made to it in September 2017. The commission underwent a review into the incident, according to documents. “This decision [to investigate] was made on the basis that if substantiated, the issues raised may reveal systemic problems at Calvary Hospital,” the document said. His death also triggered an investigation in the ACT Coroners Court. A decision was made in February not to hold a full hearing after initial inquiries. While the coroner was unable to find enough evidence to prove the alleged bullying was the sole cause of Andrew’s suicide, those who knew the nurse have rejected the findings, and are seeking answers about what happened in Calvary’s emergency department.

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