GENERAL PROTECTIONS – amendment of application – ss.365, 586 Fair Work Act 2009 – applicant’s employment was terminated while on worker’s compensation – prepared Form F2 application for unfair dismal, but ultimately lodged Form F8A general protections application – applicant was unaware of the legal difference between the claims – during conciliation, issue arose regarding the nature of applicant’s claim – applicant applied to amend application under s.586 of FW Act on the basis of honest mistake – Commission cannot substitute application that fundamentally changes the original claim – Ioannou and Hambridge considered – Commission considered applicant’s intention and substance of claim – satisfied that applicant sought relief on the basis of being terminated while on worker’s compensation – application under s.586 dismissed – applicant required to withdraw original claim and file for unfair dismissal outside 21 day time limit. Longbottom v Oolong Aboriginal Corporation

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