TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – misconduct – s.394 Fair Work Act 2009 – application for unfair dismissal remedy – applicant alleged termination of employment was unfair – commenced employment with respondent August 2014 until dismissal 31 March 2017 – respondent alleged applicant failed to follow lawful instruction by not completing audit for Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and taking unauthorised leave on multiple occasions – applicant accepted she failed to follow lawful instruction and took unauthorised leave – applicant provided with written warning on 21 March 2017 and termination of employment letter on 21 March 2017 – applicant alleged employment terminated after emailing fraud concerns to respondent on 29 March 2017 – Commission accepted the dismissal was procedurally flawed however was not sufficient to find in favour of applicant – satisfied respondent had valid reason for termination – dismissal not harsh, unjust or unreasonable – application dismissed. Douglas v Bynoe Community Advancement Cooperative Society Ltd

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