MODERN AWARDS – 4 yearly review – s.156 Fair Work Act 2009 – Full Bench – heard and determined six substantive claims in dispute under Pharmacy Industry Award 2010 – directions issued to file material in relation to claims 1-4 (minimum shift and provisions relating to employment of school students, grades at which junior rates should apply, payment of overtime to casual employees, coverage of annualised salary rate) – Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) filed a series of draft determinations on behalf of interested parties – accordingly claims not disputed between parties – Pharmacy Guild of Australia advised Commission it did not intend to press its application relating to claim six (annual close down) – claim five (shift length and terms of engagement) listed for hearing – SDA claimed inserting two provisions relating to full-time employees were uncontroversial and self-evident – supporting evidence not submitted – Commission considered implementation of the provisions not self-evident – provisions related to casual and parttime employees distinguished from fulltime employees – SDA’s application for variation dismissed – other variations sought by interested parties by consent were agreed to, straightforward, uncontroversial and appropriate – variations sought were necessary to achieve the modern awards objective – variations given effect on 7 August 2017. 4 yearly review of modern awards – Pharmacy Industry Award 2010

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