An elderly patient who used a fire hose to cause “carnage” at a Brisbane hospital last year was restrained by a security guard who was subsequently charged with the man’s manslaughter, a court has heard. Prince Charles Hospital guard Shane Kilgariff, 50, faced a committal hearing on Monday after the incident involving patient Theodorus van der Veen in April 2016. The Brisbane Magistrates Court was told Mr van der Veen, 81, became agitated at staff after refusing to take his medication. Doctor Timothy van den Berg told the hearing the situation worsened when his patient began throwing things. The court was told Mr van der Veen also pulled a glass picture off the wall, smashing it on the floor and knocked over an ice machine, spilling ice all over the corridors. He then grabbed a fire hose and began to use it to flood the area. “I thought he was going to injure someone. “It was carnage.” The doctor requested security by calling a “code black” – a term used to indicate there was a personal threat to staff. Kilgariff was one of two guards to respond and police allege Mr van der Veen died as a result of injuries sustained by the force Kilgariff used to restrain him. The court heard Kilgariff and Mr van der Veen fell to the floor. Dr van den Berg said his whole focus at the time was on his patient and told the court he did not walk away from the incident thinking Kilgariff had done something outside what he should have. He said his patient was responsive following the fall and he could not find any initial signs of head trauma or injuries to Mr van der Veen’s limbs. Witness Brian Ballinger, a hospital wards man, gave evidence that he did not see the pair come together but heard a loud noise. Nurse Chloe Simmons told the hearing the ice and water had made the floor very slippery and she also heard a heavy thud. “I can’t exactly say whether it was a slip, or a knock or a trip,” she said. The hearing will continue today.

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