The head of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’s cardiology unit, Professor John Horowitz, has returned to work after being suspended for alleged bullying. Prof Horowitz has been a longstanding critic of the state government’s Transforming Health policy, which would result in the closing down of two catheter labs at the QEH, claiming they would lead to more deaths of patients who had suffered heart attacks. At the time of his suspension in December, Prof Horowitz said it was “highly likely’’ his suspension had been prompted by his criticism of the state government’s plans to revamp the health system. The bullying allegation was levelled by an unnamed female junior doctor at the QEH, the details of which have not been disclosed. Prof Horowitz, who was allowed to return to work last month, was circumspect when asked about the charges he was still facing. “What I can say is the complaint against me has been downgraded from bullying,’’ he said.

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