Anne Locco’s mother fractured her skull, broke her neck and sustained a huge cut to her head when she fell out of a lifting device at her aged care home as two carers tried to move her from her bed. Moira McCarthy died in palliative care 11 excruciating days later. “The poor old pet didn’t know what was going on,” Ms Locco says of her 85-year-old mother. “She hadn’t had anything to eat or drink because of the fractured neck, which meant she couldn’t swallow. She passed away on May 5 [2013].” Four years later, though, Ms Locco and the nursing home where her mother fell are still waiting for the Coroner to make a finding about how she died and who, if anyone, was to blame. Until that happens, nothing much else can move. Advertisement The home, the RSL’s Vasey home in East Brighton, will make no comment until the report is finalised. The Coroner’s spokeswoman could say nothing except she expected the case to be finalised “shortly”. Ms Locco said the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner was also waiting for the finding.

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