TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – costs – ss.394, 400A, 401 Fair Work Act 2009 – Commission found applicant had been unfairly dismissed and ordered an amount of compensation of $14,249.56 – respondent made an application for orders for costs against both the applicant and his legal representative – application relies on the dealings between the parties prior to arbitration and, in particular, the applicant’s failure to accept settlement offers – Roy Morgan Research Ltd v Baker adopted – Commission rejected the application for costs against the applicant on the basis of there being no unreasonable act or omission on his part in connection with the conduct or continuation of his claim – no evidence that the applicant’s representative encouraged the applicant to continue with his claim after receipt of the settlement offer – application for costs against both the applicant and his legal representative dismissed. Camille v Berala on the Park HR P/L.

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