A former Tasmanian aged care worker who took photographs of himself with naked residents without their consent has escaped time in jail but will be listed on the sex offenders register. Adam Matthew Pettit was working at the One-Care Barossa Park aged care facility in Glenorchy when he took four pictures of female patients in various states of undress in July 2015. The court heard the 32-year-old took “lewd photographs” of himself next to the residents, while he was striking various poses. He then sent one of the images to a female colleague. She did not report it to management until September after she showed it to her mother, who also worked at the facility. Pettit said he could not explain why he took the photographs. Magistrate Hay sentenced Petit to two months’ jail, wholly suspended on the condition he be of good behaviour for three years, and ordered that he perform 100 hours community service.

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