ENTERPRISE AGREEMENTS – approval – ss.185, 604 Fair Work Act 2009 – appeal – Full Bench – two appeals against decision which approved the SXO Custodial Enterprise Agreement 2016 (Agreement) with undertakings – as a result of administrative error by Commission staff, Form F18 lodged by CPSU objecting to Agreement and covering email requesting that CPSU be heard regarding application were not brought to attention of Commission prior to decision approving Agreement – Full Bench held the administrative oversight denied CPSU the opportunity for its concerns about Agreement to be considered by Commission – denial of procedural fairness – permission to appeal granted – appeals upheld – decision quashed – matter remitted for hearing and determination. Appeals by United Voice and the Community and Public Sector Union against decision of Roe C of 31 October 2016 [[2016] FWCA 7876] Re: Sodexo Australia P/L t/a Sodexo Australia

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