TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT – genuine redundancy – ss.389, 394 Fair Work Act 2009 – respondent not-for-profit community organisation reliant on government grants – applicant employed as coordinator on casual basis – respondent in financial difficulty – executive committee decided that until financial situation improved, there was no longer a viable position for a paid coordinator – respondent had applied for funding that could have been used to preserve applicant’s position – while funding had not yet been received, applicant had reasonable grounds to believe it would be forthcoming – test is not whether decision to terminate was prudent, but whether termination was a genuine redundancy defined by FW Act – Commission satisfied decision to terminate was because respondent changed the way it operated and no longer required applicant’s job to be performed by anyone else – respondent met its obligations under award to consult applicant since she was present at AGM and executive committee meeting – no other paid position into which applicant could have been redeployed since she was respondent’s only employee – application dismissed. Adams v Blamey Community Group

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